Parents, Teachers and Friends Association
Kingsbridge Primary School has an active PTFA who are responsible for some incredible events and fundraising activities each year, such as school discos, the Christmas Fair, the Summer Fair, quiz nights, uniform sales and Fun Food Sales.
The purpose of the PTFA is to support and raise funds to enhance the quality of our children’s education and to improve their school life. The way the funds are used is continually reviewed to ensure the changing needs of our children and the curriculum are met.
Funds may be used to support school events such as visiting theatre groups, class Christmas parties, visiting authors on World Book Day and memorable experiences. Other examples of funding have been the running track, new play equipment, T-shirts for the choir and new waterproofs for forest school.
Information about upcoming events is found in the weekly newsletters or on our Facebook page “Kingsbridge Primary PTFA”.
If you wish to contact our PTFA directly or get involved, please contact us via our Facebook page or email us at