Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Our SENDCO (special educational needs and disabilities co-ordinator) Mrs Zillah-Dudley has been our SENDCo since January 2017. She is based in school every day and has an open door policy to all parents and carers. If you would like to meet with her or have a chat over the phone to discuss your child’s needs or have an update on their progress and support, please call the office on 01548 852009.
- Devon County Council SEND Local Offer
- National Autistic Society
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years
- Talking Point Good for advice on speech and communication
- Family Lives Parenting and Family advice and support with a helpline, useful for behaviour issues
- Young Minds Child and Adolescent advice relating to emotional and mental health, also has a parent helpline
- Special Needs Jungle advice for and from parents of SEND children
- Happy Maps Reliable resources recommended by parents and professionals
- Ordinarily Available Inclusive Provision – Support for schools and settings