M Martyn, PSHE subject lead

Here at Kingsbridge primary school we believe the personal development of the child is integral to their school journey and our PSHE lessons help build their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence. We follow JIGSAW, which is a PSHE education resource and up to date with new Relationships and Sex Education requirements. Jigsaw is a planned programme of learning through which children acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives – now and in the future. As part of a whole-school approach, we aim to promote the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.

We strive to build skills that lead to better social, emotional and mental health. Children explore their thoughts and feelings, expand their emotional vocabulary, learn about and reflect on the thoughts / feelings / consequences sequences, build their confidence and express themselves in a safe environment.

In the class setting our children show respect for one another by listening and appreciating ideas and opinions of their peers. They understand that people will have difference views to each other, but that we all have the right to share our own perspective.

The content and approach of Jigsaw ensures progression through their school journey to support our pupil’s understanding. This includes learning about different kinds of relationships (including online), staying safe, keeping healthy and learning about the changes puberty will bring.

For example, during the ‘Celebrating Difference’ Puzzle we look at diversity in our local and wider communities and the benefits this brings to us all. Within this, there are also lessons looking at what bullying is, why it happens and how we can all behave in a way that supports each other, and where to go for help for themselves or their friends when they need it.

Another puzzle piece is the ‘Changing Me’ which covers puberty and human reproduction in the context of coping positively with change. This is approached in a sensitive and age appropriate way giving children the opportunity to have discussions and ask questions in a respectful and open environment.

Throughout the Jigsaw lessons children are provided with a supported environment for having respectful discussions, allowing the opportunity to ask questions and share their views.

PSHE has a positive impact on our school community by developing positive behaviour and attitudes. PSHE education teaches acceptance, tolerance and empathy — as well as strategies to respond appropriately to bullying, prejudice and discrimination. This is reflected in the good behaviour seen throughout our school and when our pupils are representing our school community while on school trips or residentials. Our students have high levels of respect for each other, are supportive of one another’s wellbeing and can demonstrate high levels of self-control.

British Values, Our school values and Rights Respecting School

Jigsaw aims to empower children to understand their own rights and those of others, and supports the development of global citizenship. The ethos and values demonstrated by children during PSHE lessons supports the school values of Community, Aspirations, Respect and Equity.

These values are embedded in everyday life within our community and we are always striving towards enabling our children to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens. The impact of Jigsaw (and of us as a Rights Respecting School) is best shown by the attitudes and behaviours of the children, both in and out of class. We are teaching our children to use their voice, to remember their rights and to speak out at injustice.

As we continue our PSHE journey with Jigsaw, we endeavour to nurture our children as kind, thoughtful and responsible individuals in our community.

For more information about Jigsaw please see the attachment below.