Mr Howells, MFL subject lead

Mr Howells, MFL subject lead

At Kingsbridge Primary School, we deliver high quality lessons in French to children in KS2. Although the discrete classes are on a weekly basis, we aim to drop in some vocabulary or statements every day, in order that the children become more familiar and comfortable with the language.

Our curriculum is inspired by both ‘Language Angels’ and the focus of French in secondary schools. There are four subject areas: reading, writing, listening and speaking, all of which are addressed in every lesson.

Each half term has a different topic, which are age appropriate; this ensures that by the end of Y6, every child will have had the opportunity to increase their knowledge of vocabulary, as well as the skills-based learning, such as sentence construction and phonics.

Teaching through a variety of games, puzzles, oral practice and written resources, the curriculum is designed to meet the needs of every child irrespective of their starting point. As the children progress, they become more and more confident and delighted in their own ability to understand another language.

We are very proud of our equitable and irresistible curriculum and teaching of languages: feedback from the children demonstrates that not only do they enjoy the classes; they also gain a greater confidence to speak out in other lessons too.