
In the design of our curriculum, we have thoroughly researched best practice of subject associations, information provided by Ofsted and other current educational thinking. We have created an ambitious, aspirational curriculum that specifies the knowledge and skills we intend for children to learn on their journey through our school. The intention of our curriculum is to structure a path allowing children to develop their knowledge over time, making links within their learning and equipping them with the understanding they will need as life-long learners and successful future citizens.

Our curriculum is planned through the delivery of subject specific knowledge, understanding and key skills. Each subject will contain disciplinary as well substantive knowledge and is sequenced to allow children to build on prior learning. Where appropriate, we have arranged the curriculum to enable children to make also links between subjects. We plan to support and enrich our curriculum by providing children with rich and memorable learning experiences within school and the local environment.

Details of what will be covered when in each year group can be seen below, with specific details for each subject on the subject pages. If you would like to find out more about the curriculum that we follow, please contact the school office on 

In addition, our pledge gives all children the right to experience a wide range of culture and learning experiences within and alongside our curriculum to support and enrich their learning.