Assessment & Performance Data

We are pleased with the attainment of our pupils in 2023. As can be seen below, children at Kingsbridge Primary School achieve higher standards than those nationally in all externally reported assessments.

Key Stage 2 Data

End of Key Stage 2 ResultsNational 2019School 2019National 2022School 2022National 2023School 2023
Pupils who achieved expected standard in reading, writing and maths combined65%69%56%55%55%62%
Pupils who achieved expected standard in reading73%80%75%79%72%75%
Pupils who achieved expected standard in writing78%81%68%63%67%75%
Pupils who achieved expected standard in maths79%83%70%74%68%82%
Average scaled score in reading104.4105.4104.8105.7105.2106
Average scaled score in maths105.1105.7103.1103.7103.1105.4
Pupils who achieved the higher standard in reading27%36%28%32%30%42%
Pupils who achieved the higher standard in writing17%20%12%8%10%3%
Pupils who achieved the higher standard in maths27%32%19%20%19%30%

Key Stage 1 Data

End of Key Stage 1 ResultsNational 2019School 2019National 2022School 2022National 2023School 2023
Percentage of children attaining EXS or better in Reading75%74%67%63%68%68%
Percentage of children attaining EXS or better in Writing69%72%58%49%60%66%
Percentage of children attaining EXS or better in Maths76%87%68%67%70%77%
Percentage of children attaining EXS or better in Reading, Writing and Maths combined65%61%53%47%53%57%
FoundationNational 2022School 2022National 2023School 2023
Percentage of children who ‘ Achieved a Good Level of Development65%69%65%83%

XS = Working at the Expected Standard

GDS = Working at Greater Depth within the Expected Standard